IVMA is a member-driven, not-for-profit company.
IVMA currently does not have any form of supporting or sponsoring body to assist in the ongoing operations, marketing efforts, research or educational quests to assist Governments, industry and individual parties striving for better value for money in their day-to-day efforts, capital programs, procurement or reporting to their stakeholders.
The Australian Centre for Value Management (ACVM) provides for storage of IVMA records, a centre for the activities of the Secretary and a Sydney base for meetings.
Our only income is derived from annual subscriptions from members and any surplus we may secure from events we may run, like an annual summit on “Value for Money”.
The Directors give of their time without payment and the Institute retains a couple of specialist companies to both assist and advise as well as maintain an accessible and professional presence.
Corporate support is always welcome and the Institute would encourage opportunities to explore further involvement and support from any interested parties.