Grades of Membership

IVMA has a number of grades of membership.

Annual membership subscriptions apply and these are determined by the Board.

Four (4) grades may be applied for whilst the Board Awards or Determines three (3) grades  based on education qualifications, status in the industry or service.

The grades of Membership are:

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Associate Member

Likely applicant: someone with interest in and support of IVMA’s quest

including nominees of a Corporate member or who have a membership of another professional institute

Ordinary Member

Likely applicant: someone with demonstrable knowledge of VM and possibly with an application interest who may even seek upgrade to Accredited member

Accredited Member

Likely applicant: someone with accepted education & practice experience who engages in facilitation of VMS, training in VM or practices Value Analysis


AWARDED: someone deemed to have provided lengthy & valued service to IVMA and the profession

Honorary Fellow

AWARDED: someone deemed to have provided exemplary service to IVMA and the profession

Retired Member

DETERMINED: someone who has served the profession and IVMA and has now ceased employment in the field but who is interested in continuing support and involvement

Corporate Member Likely applicant: An organisation wishing to support the objectives and values of IVMA and, by so doing, enable a number of their staff to gain Associate membership and involvement in IVMA

Application for Membership

Download Membership Pack here.

Renewal of Membership

Membership renewals are handled by The Association Specialists and will be sent annually on the IVMA’s behalf to existing members.

Code of Conduct for Members

The Institute has established a Code of Conduct that covers:
• the standard of conduct that applies to all members
• communications and relations between members
• delivery of professional Value Management advice and services by Specialist Members.

All IVMA members must sign and abide by the Code of Conduct. Disciplinary measures exist for proven breaches of the Code under the IVMA Constitution.

View the full Code of Conduct here.