(Note: these learning outcomes are provided to assist the Board in determining whether or not a particular course of study should be accepted)

IVMA-approved courses should enable students to gain knowledge and understanding of the following:

  • Principles and practices of Value Management
  • The Australian Standard on Value Management (AS 4183-2007)
  • Concepts of value, function and purpose
  • Critical success factors of Value Management
  • Management of the overall Value Management process
  • Historical aspects of Value Analysis, Value Engineering and Value Management
  • Potential applications of Value Management including:
    • Different Value Management approaches to strategic planning, conceptual planning, project initiation, design development and construction
    • Different types of problem situations and the need for particular Value Management responses
  • Value Management workshop structure
  • Methods of function and purpose analysis
  • Various ways in which Value Management can be applied including:
    • Desk top practices in the normal course of day to day work
    • Formal workshops which may take the form of a single workshop in which all parts of the prescribed work plan are covered in a single event; several short workshops conducted in series, progressively covering all parts of the prescribed work plan; or some other format that addresses AS4183:2007 in part or whole.
  • Relationships between Value Management and other areas such as risk management, continuous improvement and project management skills


(Note: these learning outcomes are provided to assist the Board in determining whether or not a particular course of study should be accepted).

IVMA-approved courses in group facilitation should enable students to gain knowledge and understanding of the following:

  • Facilitation principles and processes
  • Group facilitation and roles of the facilitator
  • Group dynamics and behaviour as well as the advantages of working in groups
  • Factors that make groups more effective
  • The essential role that group-facilitation plays in the Value Management workshop-process including:
    • Preparing and following a structured workshop process
    • Facilitating each part of the Value Management prescribed work plan
    • Open and close workshops and individual phases of workshops
    • Describing, recognising and responding to various group dynamics
    • Managing difficult situations and behaviours
    • Asking probing questions
    • Motivating participants
    • Recognising and managing “Group Think”
    • Recognising the importance of Emotional Intelligence
    • Listening actively and empathising with participants
    • Using media effectively