Below are a list of books on Value Management…
- A Comprehensive Guide to Value Management Schedule and Cost Control: Methods and Models for Managing Project Lifecycle, by Randal Wilson
- Measuring Value Creation with the Balanced Scorecard: Value Engineering, Inc. Harvard Business Review, by David P. Norton
- Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, by R. Edward Freeman
- Value Analysis Tear Down, by Jerry Kaufman
- Value Driven Product Planning and Systems Engineering, by Harry. E Cook & Luke A. Wissman
- Value Engineering: A Plan for Invention, by Richard Park
- Value Engineering Mastermind: From Concept to Value Engineering Certification (Response Book) by Anil Kumar Mukhopadhyaya
- Value Engineering: Practical Applications…for Design, Construction, Maintenance and Operations, by Alphonse Dell’Isola
- Value Management: Cost Reduction Strategies for the 1990’s, by Eric Adam ISBN 0 582 87578 1
- Value Management: Creating Competitive Advantage by J. Jerry Kaufman
- Value Management: Translating Aspirations into Performance by Roger H. Davies, Adam J. Davies
- Value Management of Construction Projects, by John Kelly, Steven Male, Drummond Graham
- Value Management in Design and Construction, by John Kelly
- Value Methodology: A Pocket Guide to Reduce Cost and Improve Value Through Function Analysis, by Lawrence D Miles Foundation
- Value Optimization for Project and Performance Management, by Robert B. Stewart