Achieving best value for money webinars
1. Webinar co-presented by the IVMA and University of Melbourne on Achieving best value for money from projects
Use the following DropBox link to access the webinar, noting that it is a 935Mb download (copy and paste the link into your web browser).
2. Webinar co-presented by the IVMA and University of Melbourne on Achieving best value for money.
See the YouTube link at (copy and paste the link into your web browser).
The IVMA Board has convened many Conferences over the years and spread them across different states to help promote value management, value for money, and IVMA. Past conferences have been held in Queensland, Tasmania, ACT and NSW.
Our present strategy is to have IVMA members speak at conferences organised by others, rather than convene our own conferences.
2018: Value and pursuing Value for Money
Roy Barton, President IVMA delivered papers on Value and pursuing Value for Money at a number of local and national industry conferences.
IVMA Conference – August 2015
An example of the current strategy saw the Institute partner with Quest Events to present a new-format 3-day event.
The feedback from participants was positive and we are planning how best to get IVMA’s value and value for money messages to larger audiences.
The conference featured quality and challenging speakers presenting real-world case studies on how you should (and should not) pursue value for money outcomes.
A Master Class on value and value for money delivered by Dr Roy Barton, President of IVMA attracted representatives of a range of private and public sector bodies from across Australia and Asia.
Further details of the conference are available at:
Videoconference seminars
The Institute began a series of videoconference seminars that typically present a case study for about 20 minutes, followed by a participant discussion about positives and negatives, lessons learned, and how they have or would apply the learnings from the session.
See the home page for details of any planned, upcoming podcasts and/or videoconference seminars.